spiritsEUROPE is concerned by potential consequences of US decision on steel & aluminium

Brussels, 1 June 2018 – spiritsEUROPE is greatly concerned about the potential consequences of the US Administration’s decision to impose tariffs on EU steel and aluminium. The decision not only opens an unfortunate chapter in the relationship between two major complementary trading blocs, but also diminishes predictability of the global trading system overall.  spiritsEUROPE is grateful to the European Commission and Member States for their efforts to avoid this situation and would like to encourage them to continue engaging with the United States. The EU and US spirits industries are long-term champions of open and fair trade.   Our global success, built on free trade deals and zero-for-zero tariff agreements, has benefited consumers, agricultural communities, small businesses and government treasuries around the world.  We have a long-standing record of working together with our respective governments to tackle trade barriers, improve market access and uphold the principles of the rules-based international trading system.   We stand ready to continue working together to fight against the protectionism around the world in this challenging environment. “We fully support all efforts to avoid further escalation in the global trading environment.   The next few days are critical.  We trust the European Commission and Member States will agree on a balanced and proportionate response that both defends Europe's interests and avoids further escalation of tensions” said Ulrich Adam, Director General of spiritsEUROPE.


For more information, please contact Ulrich Adam: adam@spirits.eu / +32 477 63 67 51


  • spiritsEUROPE proudly represents the most valuable European agri-food export and with it the interests of the spirits sector in 31 national associations as well as of the 8 leading multinational companies.  Distilled spirits are as diverse as the EU itself, spanning 47 product categories and including a host of geographically-specific products that contribute to the culture of their regions (250 GIs).        
  • The sector generates €23bn in excise duties & VAT; 1 million jobs in production & sales; and €10.2bn exports outside Europe.         
  • The USA is our first export market with more than €4bn exports in 2017 (+60% increase over the last decade).


01.06.2018 spiritsEUROPE is concerned by potential consequences of US decision on steel & aluminium
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