Sustainable Packaging - the circularity of spirits bottles
"The message is in the bottle but the bottle is also the message"! #SpiritOfSustainability
Stay Safe, Stay Moderate
See why a #SpiriOfModeration is key for future success in harm-reduction!
@UnitedInModeration (2)
Risk is not something to be avoided at all costs; rather, it’s something we need to understand & work with.
Journey Through Sectors - Spirits Closing the Glass Loop
Discover the significance of glass packaging for the spirits sector !
#CloseTheGlass Loop
Close the Glass loop
90% of spirits are sold in glass bottles and a higher collection rate across Europe is a shared ambition with FEVE and the other 12 partners...
spiritsEUROPE supports EU Trade Deals
Made with love and care
A call to enjoy our products with moderation
Discover the journey of a fine spirits made from cereals...
We want #CETANOW
Time to stop saying CETA NO. Time for politicians to sign the deal...Time to say CETANOW
Moderation by numbers
simple and easy...
#UnitedInModeration (3)
Most EU adult consumers who choose to drink do so within the drinking guidelines promoted by national health authorities
The Spirits Sector at the Heart of Sustainable European Food System
Listen to Ulrich Adam talking about the sector's commitment to sustainable development from #Farm2Glass
An open trade policy to support competitiveness, resilience and growth.
EU-US: A Toast to Unity
We need #ToastsNotTariffs!!!
Overview of actions to reduce harmful drinking, promote responsible consumption, and to advance environmental sustainability along the entire value chain.
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