spiritsNEWS July 2023

EU’s glass value chain confirms glass collection rate at a steady progress: 80.1% reached in 2021

The average EU collection rate of glass packaging for recycling was 80.1% in 2021, according to the latest data released two weeks ago by Close the Glass Loop.

The multi-stakeholder partnership Close the Glass Loop aims to reach a post-consumer glass container collection target of 90% by 2030, and to ensure that this is recycled back into the container glass production loop. The vast majority of the almost 12 million tonnes collected goes back to remelt new bottles and jars. According to the study on the “Performance of Packaging Glass Recycling in Europe”, 91% of glass packaging waste collected is recycled back into bottles and jars.

As over 90% of spirit drinks are sold in glass bottles, glass has been a key focus of our sustainability efforts over the past decade, including light-weighting of bottles and the increase in the percentage of recycled glass in new bottles. We are therefore dependent on an increased collection rate of good quality glass to be recycled.

This is why we partner with Close the Glass Loop! We wish to strengthen collaboration along the glass packaging value chain to improve collection infrastructure, recycling processes and consumer communications. There is still a long way to go to ensure that 90% of glass packaging is collected for recycling by 2030 across Europe and we are committed to helping to further trigger mobilisation of Close the Glass Loop actions on the national level.

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