spiritsNEWS September 2024

Editorial by Ulrich Adam, Director General of spiritsEUROPE
Back to School: What Are Key Issues for the Spirits Sector?
Interview with Darya Galperina, Chair of the International Trade Committee of spiritsEUROPE
Continuing the interview series started in June, we continue the conversation this month with Darya Galperina, International Public Affairs Director at Pernod Ricard and Chair of the International Trade Committee of spiritsEUROPE
EU Business Joint Declaration- Championing Open Trade for a Prosperous Future
31 leading European business associations come together to call for an ambitious & open trade policy to support the EU’s competitiveness and economic prosperity.
Discriminatory rules in Finland: spiritsEUROPE submits complaint to the European Commission
Fermented-based alcoholic drinks between 5.5-8% ABV can be sold in retail stores while distilled-based products in the same range remain confined to the monopoly’s outlets. 
spiritsEUROPE stunned by unjustified Chinese provisional tariffs on EU brandy announced last week
On 29 August 2024, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce issued an announcement regarding provisional anti-dumping duties on imports of EU wine-based and marc-based spirits. 
The EU’s food diplomacy is likely to take a serious hit as significantly reduced budgets are announced
The 2025 budget for single programmes is likely to be maintained at 2024 levels, but worryingly there is no budget foreseen for multi-programmes.
RETHINK DRINK – Responsible drinking campaign in Greece
The Ministry of Health and EN.E.A.P. (The Greek Association of Alcoholic Beverage Companies) joined forces to promote responsible drinking.
Use of Fear in Health Warnings: Ethical Challenges, Practical Shortfalls
Deploying fear, uncertainty, or doubt in health-related communications is inherently problematic from an ethical point of view. New research shows why such an approach may not even work particularly well in practice.  
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