spiritsNEWS April 2019

Do you know what’s in a Jerusalem Artichoke spirit?
Our new one-stop-shop web-portal provides easy access to detailed information on all spirit drinks legally sold in the EU (…)
EU-China: the glass is (more than) half full
On the eve of the EU-China Summit on 9 April in Brussels, it’s time to reflect on the importance of China for the spirits sector (…)
“Stay Yourself”, a pan-European campaign for students
The campaign puts the spotlight on responsible drinking to equip university students with the information they need to make informed and positive choices about drinking, or not drinking (…)
Revision of the Excise Tax Structure Directive: further changes need to be made!
Some of the revision’s key objectives cannot be reached as long as privileged tax positions for certain alcoholic beverage sectors are maintained (…)
New Spirit Drinks Regulation: European Commission to provide implementation guidelines
Guidance needed to ensure a consistent implementation of the new provisions on compound terms, mixtures and allusions (…)
When the logic goes up in smoke…and the evidence is hazy
Fresh attempt to express risk association by comparing apples with pears (...)
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