spiritsNEWS January 2017

The aligned spirits Regulation 110/2008 has finally landed on the desk of the European Parliament

Following a lengthy gestation, the Commission’s proposal for a new spirit drinks regulation emerged last December.  With our sector having long been involved in discussions about the dossier, its arrival is extremely welcome.  The spirit drinks regulation is a vital piece of EU law which ensures the high quality and traditional production methods of the many spirits that are enjoyed by consumers in the internal market and around the world.  EU spirits are Europe’s most valuable agri-food export, worth over €10 billion in 2015.  A big part of that success is attributable to the support provided by the regulation. 

The proposed new text contains numerous changes compared to the current law: while some of the amendments are stylistic, others are more substantive.  And while some of the new wording is extremely welcome, other parts will require further discussion.  Spirits producers need to scrutinise the proposal in detail in an effort to determine the extent to which it might impact on their sectors.  We are very grateful that the Commission has already indicated it is not seeking to change traditional production methods in any way. 

We also warmly appreciate the constructive dialogue with the EU institutions that are responsible for the text as it proceeds through its adoption process.  The goodwill will, we hope, facilitate the speedy and smooth adoption of the new law.

Click here to see some more details of our initial views on the draft proposal.

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