spiritsNEWS March 2018

Latvia: “Party with style”

Although, the consumption of alcohol in Latvia is decreasing, binge drinking needs to be addressed and the programme launched by the Latvian spirits producers (LANA) aim at reducing this risky drinking behaviour in young adults.

The programme consists of two parts. The first part if about providing information during the biggest summer festivals in Latvia i.e. “Positivus” and “Laba daba”. Information about drinking guidelines (how much is too much, when not to drink), and a reminder to alternate alcoholic drinks with water are distributed around the festivals. Promotional materials such as cups with the “Party with Style” logo are handed out and participants have the opportunity to get a “Party with Style” logo stamp on their hand. A virtual game on safe drinking advice is used at the festivals to engage people with the messages. The second part is a social media campaign aimed at the target group showing the damage of excessive drinking, with special emphasis on the loss of social status which the target group care about. The campaign also refers to the Latvian responsible drinking website and the LANA Facebook page for further information.

More than 50,000 people were reached at both festivals last Summer. 3,000 paper cups with still water in them were given during the festivals and 2,300 festival goers got a “Party with Style” stamp on their hand. Additionally, until November 2017, the social media campaign reached 63,000 people and 2 printed publications and 15 internet publications spread the information. The responsible drinking website had a 28% increase in traffic, and new users have visited the LANA social responsibility page.

As a result of the campaign, both festivals recorded less binge drinking casualties. Press articles on the Positivus festival reported a better behaviour than previous years, even though some cases of underage drinking were reported. For the Laba Daba festival, contrary to the previous year where many articles mentioned drug usage and other problems, there were none this last summer.

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