Dialogue on the future of agriculture

Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture in the EU - spiritsEUROPE’s submission to the Stakeholder Consultation

The Europe’s spirits sector offers consumers a large variety of high-quality products, made from a broad range of agricultural raw materials such as grains, grapes, fruits, vegetables or botanicals. As a result, our sector greatly relies on, and is strongly committed to, responsibly and sustainably managed agricultural production processes. On 5 April 2024, spiritsEUROPE submitted its answers to the 4 questions raised by President Von Der Leyen as part of an EU stakeholders' consultation.

  1. How can farmers, and the rural communities they live in, be given a better perspective, including a fair standard of living?
  2. How can agriculture be supported within the boundaries of our planet and its ecosystem?
  3. How can better use be made of the immense opportunities offered by knowledge and technological innovation?
  4. How can a bright and thriving future for Europe's food system be promoted in a competitive world? 

Click here for the full answer

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