Alcohol has a legitimate role in society when enjoyed responsibly by legal purchase age adults who choose to drink. When enjoyed in moderation, alcohol can be part of a healthy lifestyle that includes good diet and exercise.
Responsible drinking means:
On the other hand, heavy drinking (more than 4 drinks on any day or 14 per week) is associated with an increased risk of a range of health and social harms, including damage to internal organs, accidents and injuries, and difficulties in functioning positively in family, work and community life. Liver damage is strongly associated with long-term heavy drinking and may culminate in cirrhosis. Scientific studies have shown as well that such heavy consumption is associated with an increased risk of certain cancers, some cardiovascular conditions and alcohol use disorders. An individual’s risk for a given disease is also influenced by their family history of disease, genetics, current health status, nutrition, and lifestyle and environmental factors.
For individuals to make an informed decision, they are invited to follow the dietary guidelines for moderate alcohol consumption published by national public health authorities (click here). For anyone with concerns about their health, they should be recommended to speak to their doctor.
To conclude, "Dry January” is over, and the “Tournée Minérale” is kicking off! But remember, moderation all year round is always a great choice too!
Watch the video: "Stay Safe, Stay Moderate