spiritsNEWS June 2018

100% cool: the Portuguese drink-drive campaign celebrates its 15th year!

The 15th edition of 100% Cool was presented in Cascais - the European Youth Capital in 2018- in the presence of new partners and public entities in charge of road safety in Portugal.

Over the last 15 years, along with the Republican National Guard, the Police authority and the unconditional support of the National Road Safety Association, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Head of the National and Health Forum, over 25,000 drivers have been assigned 100% Cool (the designated driver) and awarded with gifts for their smart commitment to 0% alcohol at the wheel.

At the launch of this 15th campaign, the Secretary General of ANEBE, Rui Duarte, underlined the importance of the 100% cool campaign, which is fully integrated into the National Health and Road Safety Plans 2020.

This year, the campaign is going digital!  Social media influencers such as João Paulo Sousa – the European Youth Capital Ambassador - have been invited to promote the message that drinking and driving do not match through their channels (youtube, facebook, instagram).  The aim is to change to driving behaviour and reinforce the culture of road safety through the young generations of Portuguese drivers.

The 100% cool campaign was launched in 2002 as part of the Pan-European Designated driver campaign (DG MOVE / European Road Safety Charter) and has been regularly measured and evaluated over the years.  The last data showed a 73% reduction in young drivers’ fatalities, which is about 20% higher than the reduction observable in the general population.  The campaign has clearly contributed to raising awareness among the target group (up to 35 years old).  Some time ago, the GNR (National Police) stated that “Given the decrease in injuries to young drivers, it is clear that young drivers are particularly aware and interested in receiving information about defensive driving in order to alter their potentially risky behaviour”.  This idea is supported by research conducted by ANEBE which showed an 85% awareness of the campaign and a 75% affirmation to having been designated driver among the target group.

Proportionate legal framework and proper enforcement combined with information & education is the recipe of success to changing behaviour!

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