spiritsNEWS July 2020

spiritsEUROPE joins the fight for greater glass recycling

The sustainability of the spirits sector has never been in doubt, as shown in our Farm2Glass brochure: spirits were originally distilled to make use of surplus grain (we’ve long been fighting against food waste!).

Our long tradition with sustainability can be traced back to our close link with the terroir, with pure natural ingredients, and with the patience and care of our craft.

Somewhat newer, however, is our sector’s clear commitment to recycling!  As one of the founding partners of the ‘Close the Glass Loop’ recycling platform, which pledges to increase the recycling of glass bottles with clear targets by 2030, spiritsEUROPE is proud to expand its activities and to demonstrate – once again – our sector’s willingness to go the extra mile and go beyond what is required by the legislation. 

Of course, the first step on this ‘extra mile’ was the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on providing consumer information on-label and on-line in an ambitious way – here, we do not walk alone but with the dedicated support of our membership. More and more national associations walk with us and we are proud to announce that our Estonian partners co-signed the MoU on 29th June 2020, and two other national associations are preparing their co-signature by year’s end.

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