spiritsNEWS December 2021

Editorial by Ulrich Adam, Director General of spiritsEUROPE
“No-safe-level’ slogans are politically attractive, but inherently unhelpful. Fashionable catchphrases prevent a fuller understanding of risks and tend to undermine, rather than inform, debates about building robust harm reduction policies.
Spirit Drinks Labelling Guidelines – Finally (almost) there!
Chiara Imperio, Senior Expert and Coordinator Spirit Drinks at the European Commission’s DG AGRI, shares with us insights on the development on the Spirit Drinks Labelling Guidelines.
#SpiritOfInnovation: No & low alcoholic ‘spirits’ – cheers!
DG AGRI to launch study on the emerging category of no & low alcoholic ‘spirits’.
Trade in 2021: the silver lining of recovery
After the massive challenges in 2020, this year could mark the start of a recovery in trade & exports – provided we remember a few important lessons.
Our MoU on Consumer Information now stands on 2 strong pillars
The U-label Platform is up & running and our Memorandum of Understanding now stands on 2 strong pillars. U-Label.com allows companies of all sizes to create QR-codes featuring full nutrition information, ingredients, responsible consumption & sustainability information.
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