spiritsNEWS December 2022

Editorial: Europe’s spirits sector presents new holistic vision on sustainability
Three weeks ago, we launched a new, and truly holistic vision on sustainability for our sector: Sustainable from #Farm2Glass.
The EU needs a new ASEAN trade strategy to support diversification
The EU-ASEAN Summit this week should generate fresh momentum for closer economic & trade ties, to support diversification & growth amidst geopolitical volatility.
spiritsEUROPE welcomes the publication of the European Commission’s proposal for a Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR).
We welcome the recognition that mandatory re-use targets for spirits are not the most suitable way forward.
CETA: Joint progress report sets path ahead for removal of wine & spirits market access issues
CETA has boosted EU-Canada trade, but the remaining issues at provincial level need addressing to generate further growth.
The Concept of Equivalence of Alcoholic Beverages in Alcohol Policy & Regulation
The effects of alcohol consumption depend on the drinking pattern, not on the strength (ABV) or type of an alcoholic drink.
Remember emotions, not a blackout!
Fighting binge drinking in Latvia, a new campaign implemented by the Latvian Spirits producers’ association.
spiritsEUROPE takes stock of the sector’s transformation during 2022 Summit
spiritsEUROPE was delighted to welcome nearly 300 guests at the Residence Palace in Brussels for the 2022 Spirits Summit.
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