spiritsNEWS July 2024

Editorial by Ulrich Adam, Director General of spiritsEUROPE
3 wishes for the next 5 years!
Interview with Bosco Torremocha, Director General of Espirituosos España
Last month, we started our new membership interview series with our President, Mr Ian McLernon. This month, we continue the conversation with Bosco Torremocha, Director General of our Spanish trade association.
EU-Kenya Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) finally enters into force!
The EU-Kenya EPA entered into force on 1 July 2024, years after the EU-EAC EPA was negotiated. It will finally provide a platform to strengthen the EU relationship with Kenya – and, over time, with the entire East African Community (EAC).
#UnitedinModeration: the Power of Partnerships
2024 Impact Report shows broad scope & reach of Responsible Drinking Initiatives (RDIs) across Europe.
spiritsEUROPE celebrates 5 successful years of labelling commitment
In Europe, more spirit drink bottles than ever before feature consumer information on-pack & online.
Mixed results after 4 years of EU-Vietnam FTA
While spiritsEUROPE remains a staunch supporter of the EVFTA, results so far have been tainted by illicit trade & high domestic taxes. 
Scaling up a wining concept!
Discover peer-to-peer prevention programmes by University Students in Europe.
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